Property graphs


  • TypeDB is a strongly-typed database with a rich and logical type system.
  • EdgeDB is a new kind of database that takes the best parts of relational databases, graph databases, and ORMs

Object database

  • TerminusDB is an in-memory, distributed and open-source graph database and document store

RDF store



  • CozoDB is a general-purpose, transactional, relational database that uses Datalog for query, is embeddable but can also handle huge amounts of data and concurrency, and focuses on graph data and algorithms. It supports time travel and it is performant!
  • XTDB is an open source document database with bitemporal graph queries.

GraphBLAS, sparse matrices, Linear algebra


  • Cayley is an open-source database for Linked Data. It is inspired by the graph database behind Google’s Knowledge Graph (formerly Freebase).
  • Dgraph
  • graphdb sqlite based graph database for storing native python objects and their relationships to each other.
  • ent - An Entity Framework For Go
  • SliccDB Light Embedded Graph Database for .net
  • LemonGraph is a log-based transactional graph (nodes/edges/properties) database engine that is backed by a single file.
  • WhiteDB is a lightweight NoSQL database library written in C, operating fully in main memory.

Demystifying Graph Databases: Analysis and Taxonomy of Data Organization, System Designs, and Graph Queries